
Home Markets Page 55

Indian rupee depreciates to record low

India's twin deficits and rising interest rate differentials are accelerating rupee depreciation against the US dollar....

Southeast Asia benefits from ‘China Plus One’

Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asian countries are benefitting from the 'China Plus One' strategy of manufacturers. ...

China’s yuan liquidity reserve pool to rival US dollar

Beijing is working with BIS, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Chile for the yuan liquidity reserve pool....

Record Asia coal prices may cause blackouts

The reduced supply of Russian coal and gas has increased demand for coal from other sources, pushing Asia coal prices to a record high. ...

The death of fast fashion in Asia

Europe's garment sustainability rules will come into full effect by 2030 and could lead to the demise of fast fashion in Asia. ...

China’s amended antitrust law goes live on August 1

China is tightening the noose around the country’s tech companies further, with the new China antitrust law coming into effect on August 1...