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Sri Lanka‘s economic recovery gains momentum

Reforms and policy adjustments are bearing fruit for Sri Lanka, says the IMF....

China economy with “no clear growth driver”

The recent step-up in property and fiscal stimulus has not yet improved consumer and investor sentiment....

US elections and the implications for China

Despite the political and economic pressures from the US, the impact on China’s economy may not be as profound as anticipated....

Is Hong Kong’s status as financial centre in jeopardy?

The glow of Hong Kong’s markets has dimmed in recent years, Northern Trust says, but is it status as financial centre at risk?...

Assessing the impact of declining FDI on China

Foreign direct investment (FDI) in China has fallen dramatically since the second quarter of 2022....

Japan’s ageing population has lessons for the rest of ...

Japan's 'super-aged' society is turning towards innovation in healthcare and new workforce strategies to shape its future....