AFM Redaktion
Can China financial services tide over the property slowdown...
The slowdown in real estate is weighing on China financial services sector, with slowing loan growth, slimming margins and rising credit ris...
e-CNY: The China digital currency looking to supplant the US...
China's digital currency may upend the US dollar as the world's reserve currency....
China smartphone makers continue to be market leaders
After Huawei's fall from grace as the world's second-largest smartphone brand, which Chinese smartphone companies have stepped up and filled...
Asia’s IPO boom may return in second half of 2022
IPO activity in Asia started off on a strong note but hit a snag due to the geopolitical issues in Europe. Experts believe the second half o...
Sri Lanka’s economy is on the brink of a collapse
Sri Lanka is facing bankruptcy as foreign reserves are at their lowest, inflation is in double digits, and the country is likely to default ...
China’s economic ties with Europe threatened by Ukraine wa...
China and Europe are each other's biggest trading partners, but China's failure to condemn Russia over the Ukraine war is straining the rela...