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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

China-Philippines oil talks fall through

The Philippines' oil exploration deal with China stands cancelled over fears of a potential constitutional crisis for the archipelago....

The troubled economies of Southeast Asia

Laos' debt obligation now makes up 88% of its GDP, while Myanmar is staring at dwindling foreign currency reserves. ...

Trouble brewing for Malaysian palm oil

Malaysian palm oil plantations are facing weak prices, while fertilizer shortages and labour woes are affecting production....

China is lapping up Russian oil

China steps up imports of Russia oil, which now accounts for 55% of Beijing's crude imports, higher than imports from Saudi Arabia. ...

Nearly 60% US-listed Chinese firms face delisting 

The US-China audit issue may push some 150 firms out of American exchanges as early as 2023....

A new dawn for Hong Kong stock exchange?

China is attempting to bring back the Hong Kong stock exchange's lost glory and affirm its position as the key offshore hub for mainland sto...