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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

China and Hong Kong launch scheme for interest rate swaps

The interest rate swap scheme will allow foreign investors to hedge market risks attached to the $553 bn in onshore yuan bonds held by them....

Turnaround of Asian markets

Strong fundamentals will help Asian Equities in the second half of 2022, writes Nomura....

Inflation soaring in Asia

An uptick in Asia inflation has prompted multiple rate hikes, but economies in the region are in better shape than their Western counterpart...

Asia’s race for the next gen semiconductors

South Korea's Samsung has become the first company to start mass manufacturing of 3-nm chips, ahead of Taiwan's TSMC....

Indian rupee depreciates to record low

India's twin deficits and rising interest rate differentials are accelerating rupee depreciation against the US dollar....

South Korea – on track to become an industrialized cou...

South Korea is still listed as an EM in the investment sector. There could be a turnaround, says Marcus Weyerer, Franklin Templeton....