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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Asian unicorns struggle with rising interest rates

The average value of Asian unicorns has reduced this year, despite the rise in the number of unicorns from the region....

Ping An’s HSBC restructuring plan turns murky

Ping An is openly supporting a break-up of HSBC, a proposal opposed by the lender's management team....

Japan camera industry plays catch up with smartphones

Japan camera manufacturers are concentrating their efforts on more expensive mirrorless models to navigate a market upended by smartphones....

Asian credit – the next frontier for ESG and sustainab...

ESG bonds make up an increasing proportion of the Asian market, with 10% of gross issuance in the region classified under ESG criteria....

India’s smartphone manufacturing gets boost from Apple

Mobile manufacturing in India has taken the front seat as the country wants to become a world leader in electronic exports. ...

Asia green bonds are booming

China is leading in green bond issuance in Asia, and with Japan and South Korea makes up 81.6% of the total green bond market volume....