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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Japan’s chip export curb on China: a smart move?

Japan's chip export curbs on China were long anticipated....

South Korea GDP: positive Q2, bleak future

South Korea's economy faces a grim outlook despite recording a positive growth rate of 0.6% in the quarter ended June 2023. ...

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group: Japan’s industry leader

MUFG - one of the "Three Great Houses" of the Mitsubishi Group....

Japan losing ground in the electric vehicle race

Japan lags behind in the global electric vehicle market due to its predilection for gasoline-electric hybrids. ...

Rejuvinating China’s consumption takes centre stage

China's commerce ministry has unveiled a series of 11 measures aimed at increasing China's household consumption. ...

Challenges ahead: China’s local government debt crisis

China's local government debt from LGFVs has hit an all-time high of $9.5 tn, equal to half of the country's GDP....