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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Study: ASEAN set to outpace China’s growth

A recent study found that Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam could grow by an average of 5.1% annually un...

Indonesia on its way to becoming a global EV hub

Indonesia's initiatives to become a major player in the global EV supply chain are beginning to bear fruit....

US election – outlook for Asia’s trade “highly unc...

Harris and Trump are in a neck-and-neck race for the US presidency. For Asia, the outcome will have most impact on trade....

Japan stock market sees worst drop since 1987

Japan's Nikkei 225 saw the biggest loss and gain in decades in just two days....

India’s digital economy: powerhouse of opportunities

India's digital economy is projected to make up 20% of GDP by 2026....

Why Japanese equities are attractive now

Max Godwin, Portfolio Manager at Eastspring Investments, explains what is behind the renewed interest in Japan's equity market....