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Home Markets Page 109

Aircraft manufacturers in Asia: A promising outlook

Asia-Pacific is driving demand for new aircraft. Not only global players Boeing and Airbus profit, but Asian manufacturers are rising to com...

Slow-down in fintech venture capital in China

Fintech investment in Asia Pacific got off to a modest start in 2019 after a record level of investment last year. A lack of megadeals in Ch...

Asian Aviation Industry: Flying Higher than its Obstacles

Asia Pacific is the biggest driver for the aviation industry. By 2035, IATA expects the region to have 3.1 billion passengers traveling by p...

China robotics industry: A steady path to automation

Under ambitious ‘Made in China 2025’ plan, the Chinese government targets to raise domestic production of industrial robots to 70% by 20...

Mobile payments: Asia leading the world

Mobile payment is on the rise worldwide with Asia leading the way. Eight Asian nations are among the top ten in mobile payment usage – six...

Trade dispute: USA accuses China of currency manipulation

The USA has accused China of having deliberately manipulated its currency in order to secure unfair advantages in international competition....