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AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Taiwan: bottleneck of global semiconductor shortage

Taiwan's leading chipmakers have promised to "do their best" to boost semiconductor production. However, production lines are already workin...

China A: Going mainstream, going strong

China’s onshore market has opened up and liberalised considerably in recent years. Consequently, China A shares are going mainstream, says...

Is China winning the trade war with the U.S.?

China’s trade relationship with the United States became over the years even more imbalanced - what will Biden do?...

Quo vadis, Vietnam?

Vietnam is showing resilience in the crisis, ending 2020 with 2.9% economic growth. Can the economic success be driven further by a new lead...

Transforming Japan’s digital economy

Driving Japan's digital economy is a priority for the Suga government. What are the prospects for a country deeply rooted in tradition?...

E-commerce exploding across Asia

China is the global leader in e-commerce innovation, and new business models from China are starting to be replicated in other Asian markets...