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Home Authors Posts by AFM Redaktion

AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Investment opportunities in China’s food and beverage ...

China's “dual circulation” growth strategy opens up investment opportunities in the food and beverage industry, Eastspring says....

How Asia is reinventing private banking

Asia Pacific region has led growth opportunities for private banks by enhancing measures through technological innovation....

The appeal of China’s stock exchanges

China’s financial markets are gradually opening up as China continues to lower regulatory hurdles....

Chinese companies listed in US rising at a rapid rate

Listings of Chinese companies on US stock exchanges are increasing at a rapid rate due to high valuations and robust growth forecasts for ...

Growing prospects of SPAC listings in Asia

Asian exchanges try harder to beat the next hotspot seat as more Asia-headquartered companies sponsor SPACs listing in the US....

Chinese EV market leading the way

The growth of the Chinese EV industry has made ASEAN and other Asian countries enthusiastic about the future outlook of the global EV indust...