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Tag: Trade


Will the EU probe on Chinese EV makers start a trade war?

Chinese EV makers are facing an anti-subsidy probe by the European Commission amid concerns over cheap EV imports flooding Europe....

Asia exports soften on dwindling global demand

The World Trade Organization expects Asia export growth to decelerate to 1.1% in 2023 from a projected 2.9% expansion this year....

US-led Asian economic bloc launches with 13 countries

The US wants to regain its economic foothold in Asia while countering China after Trump had pulled out of a key trade agreement in the regio...

Quo vadis, Vietnam?

Vietnam is showing resilience in the crisis, ending 2020 with 2.9% economic growth. Can the economic success be driven further by a new lead...

South Korea-Japan Trade Agreement Nearer After Summit

The conflict between Korea and Japan has escalated in the recent past. But both sides have much to lose. Is the worst already over? ...

USA-China partial trade agreement: Deal really in sight?

U.S. President Trump speaks of a "substantial phase one deal”, while China is more cautious about the announced partial trade agreement....
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