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Home Tags Korea Equity

Tag: Korea Equity


Korean instant noodles: a worldwide success story

South Korean instant food market is likely to reach $7 bn by 2028, in which Korean instant noodles will enjoy the highest share....

South Korean battery makers race to compete with China

South Korean battery manufacturers are taking advantage of the US Inflation Reduction Act to capture a larger market share in the EV market....

South Korea ETFs for riding the equity rebound

South Korea ETFs could provide good exposure to an equity rebound after macro headwinds start waning....

Riding the Korean wave as an investor

Investing in K-pop is now easier for overseas investors with a K-pop ETF launched in the US on September 1. ...

South Korea Equity Funds – Active or Passive?

We not only evaluate two of the most prominent strategies on the market, but also compare an active strategy (JP Morgan Korea Equity) and a ...
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