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Home Tags China Equity

Tag: China Equity


Chinese EV battery makers: dominating the West

Chinese EV battery makers led by CATL, BYD, and CALB command nearly a 56% share in the global EV battery industry. ...

Chinese equities see a massive sell-off amid weak sentiment

Offshore investors sell up to $11 bn in Chinese equities in August amid weak economic sentiment and mounting real estate woes....

The show goes on for China’s live-streaming industry

With 660 million viewers and growing China's live-streaming is projected to reach $720 bn by the end of 2023....

China equity markets rally eyeing policy support

China equity has rallied on the back of the jump seen in technology and property stocks, which are recovering from the recent crackdown....

China’s courier and express industry with consistent g...

China's CEP industry (courier, express, and parcel) is projected to grow at a CAGR of 13.39% to reach $238.4 bn by 2028....

Harnessing the potential of China’s clean energy ETFs

China's clean energy ETFs can help investors to tap into the the largest wind and solar energy industries in the world....
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