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Home Authors Posts by Sayan Ghosh

Sayan Ghosh


Sunac China Holdings files for bankruptcy protection

Sunac China Holdings received creditors' approval for a $9 bn offshore debt restructuring before filing for Chapter 15 bankruptcy protection...

India vs Indonesia: Comparing two Asian powerhouses

Strong economic growth and favorable governmental policies are poised to benefit both countries....

Thailand Tourism: Visa requirements lifted for the Chinese

Around 2.1 million Chinese tourists have visited the country in the first eight months of 2023, making up 11.73% of all international visits...

Stocks to consider in Indonesia’s mining industry

Indonesia's mining industry generated approximately $129 bn in revenues last year, growing at a CAGR of 28.9% from 2017 to 2022....

China’s AI Chatbots heating up the global AI race

In the face of numerous challenges, China's AI sector is launching a slew of generative AI products as it aims to compete with the US....

Australia’s EV sector: A powerhouse in the making?

Australia's EV industry is currently estimated at $6.38 bn, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 33.06% between 2023 to 2028....
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