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Home Tags Taiwan Economy

Tag: Taiwan Economy

Taiwan Economy

Despite the pandemic, Taiwan's economy has shown resilience and is expected to continue to grow in the coming years....

Slowing global demand dragging down Taiwan’s growth

Taiwan‘s annual Q4 GDP contracted 0.86% owing to a drop in exports....

Rising tech exports boost Taiwan’s growth

Taiwan’s exports have been a pillar of its quarterly GDP growth and the country continues to see an international demand for tech products...

Taiwan: bottleneck of global semiconductor shortage

Taiwan's leading chipmakers have promised to "do their best" to boost semiconductor production. However, production lines are already workin...

Taiwan Economy: GDP, Growth, Investments

Taiwan’s economy is the seventh-largest in Asia. Its GDP reached $589 billion in 2018. According to the Index of Economic Freedom 2019, Ta...

Taiwan Election 2020: Change or continue as usual?

President Ing-wen Tsai could win a landslide re-election in Taiwan in January 2020. Such a result is likely to see Taiwan’s delicate statu...
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