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Home Tags India Economy

Tag: India Economy

Indian toy industry: An emerging challenge for China?

India's toy industry is expected to grow to $2 bn by 2024-25 with 40% share coming from domestic production....

India’s GDP surges to one-year high

India's GDP growth in the Q1 of FY24 was driven by an upswing in the nation's service sector, coupled with a boost in private consumption....

India’s real estate sector: Too big to ignore?

India's real estate sector holds a valuation of $477 bn, making a contribution of about 7.3% to the country's GDP....

India’s economy grows stronger than expected

With 7.2% growth in fiscal year 22-23, India remains one of the fastest-growing emerging economies...

India service sector activities at 13-year high

Strong demand and competitive pricing were among the reasons that contributed to record growth in India's service sector in April 2023....

India Economy

India is still one of the fastest growing economies in the world. But the Covid-19 pandemic has left its mark....
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