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Home Authors Posts by Namrata Sen Chanda

Namrata Sen Chanda


Top stocks to invest in India’s alcoholic beverages market

India’s alcoholic beverages market stands at $54 bn in 2023, and it’s poised to touch $111 bn in 2033, predict experts....

Korean instant noodles: a worldwide success story

South Korean instant food market is likely to reach $7 bn by 2028, in which Korean instant noodles will enjoy the highest share....

Chinese EV battery makers: dominating the West

Chinese EV battery makers led by CATL, BYD, and CALB command nearly a 56% share in the global EV battery industry. ...

Chinese equities see a massive sell-off amid weak sentiment

Offshore investors sell up to $11 bn in Chinese equities in August amid weak economic sentiment and mounting real estate woes....

APAC impact bonds continue to see sustained growth

APAC Impact bond market crossed the $1 bn market in June 2023, led by growth in China, South Korea, and Japan....

Indian toy industry: An emerging challenge for China?

India's toy industry is expected to grow to $2 bn by 2024-25 with 40% share coming from domestic production....
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