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Home Authors Posts by AFM Redaktion

AFM Redaktion

News, Hintergründe und Analysen. Die Wirtschaftsredaktion für Asien Investments.

Worst capital outflow from China pressures the weak yuan

If the yuan continues to weaken, will China lose its appeal as an economic powerhouse?...

How soon can Beijing alleviate China’s local debt cris...

China's local government debt crisis is worsening as LGFV debt burden collectively reached $8 tn, as per S&P....

Will the EU probe on Chinese EV makers start a trade war?

Chinese EV makers are facing an anti-subsidy probe by the European Commission amid concerns over cheap EV imports flooding Europe....

China’s income inequality surges to all-time high

In China, the top 1% of the population currently commands a staggering 31% share of the nation's total household assets....

Japan’s fishing industry under pressure after Fukushim...

Japan's fishing industry faces the brunt as China imposes a blanket ban on the import of Japanese seafood....

South Korea’s exports continue to decline, but at a sl...

South Koreas's exports declined 8.4% year on year in August, down for the eleventh consecutive month....
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