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Führende Asien Fondsmanager.

Asset Managers


Top stocks to invest in India’s alcoholic beverages market

India’s alcoholic beverages market stands at $54 bn in 2023, and it’s poised to touch $111 bn in 2033, predict experts.

Korean instant noodles: a worldwide success story

South Korean instant food market is likely to reach $7 bn by 2028, in which Korean instant noodles will enjoy the highest sh ...

Chinese EV battery makers: dominating the West

Chinese EV battery makers continue to dominate the global market. Just recently, leading Chinese EV battery maker CATL unvei ...

Stocks to consider in Indonesia’s mining industry

Indonesia's mining industry generated approximately $129 bn in revenues last year, growing at a CAGR of 28.9% from 2017 to 2 ...

Uncovering prospects in India’s space sector

The buzz around India's space sector has led to 13 space-focused companies boosting their market capitalization by $3.7 bill ...

Reliance Industries Ltd: From oil&gas to digital services

Reliance Industries Ltd began as a textiles startup, made money in the oil and gas business and is now pivoting to digital s ...


What is driving Asia’s local currency bond market?

While Western economies are battling sticky inflation and recessionary risks, the picture in Asia is different where the eco ...

India Outlook 2023 – HY Update

India’s Nifty 50 and Sensex have hit all-time highs recently as the economy recovers from high inflation. While rates have ...

China Outlook 2023 – HY Update

In the first half of 2023, a lot has happened in China's financial markets. What is China's forecast for the second half of ...
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